quality assurance

Reviewing Risk Assessment

Reviewing Risk Assessment procedures and testing the current risk status should occur at least every 12-months. Other triggers include internal operational changes to business or a regulatory update, including updates to national and sector AML/CFT risk assessments.  meeting regulatory expectations. AML360™ provides an affordable and a reliable AML/CFT compliance resource for AML/CFT Firm-Wide Risk Assessments. Go Digital with AML360™ and remove labour intensive costs.

reviewing risk assessment
AML Risks

Regulatory Technology

AML360 is consistently ranked as a leading innovative software vendor.  Our risk based compliance solutions allow your business to make critical decisions with confidence and speed. 

Customised Configurations

Our technology has incredible flexibility to allow instant updates of configurations to match the nature, size and complexity of your business or aligning to regulatory changes.

Profiling & Analytics

Profiling and data analytics are the drivers of AML360’s success.  Your compliance platform is equipped with best in class governance solutions to provide instant heat maps and succinct reports.

Dedicated Specialist

Every AML360 account receives a dedicated compliance executive to manage your ad hoc queries and ensure compliance is running smoothly. Our compliance specialists have extensive industry experience.