AML/CFT Risk Assessment.

Get professional AML compliance software to manage AML risk assessments.  Complete the process within 60 minutes. Reviews and updates take minutes. Save frustration, time and money by taking advantage of AML regulatory technology.  Protect your business brand. Work smarter,  not harder.

AML/CFT risks
BSA Risk Assessments
AML auditors

Ultimate Platform to manage and maintain your AML risk assessments.

Data analytics should underlie every business decision. Yet too often AML risk assessments fail to implement reliable data. AML360 software manages the measurement and reporting of money laundering and terrorism financing risks. The AML/CFT risk report provides separate divisions of (a) nature, size and complexity of business, (b) products, services and transactions, (c) customers (B2B and B2C), (d) method of delivery and (e) geographies.

AML business risk assessment

Compliance Modernisation

Your AML360 platform deploys an end-to-end pipeline for every aspect of your compliance needs.

Profiling With AI

Our algorithms ensure we match the nature, size and complexity of your business to an adequate profiling methodology.

AML risk assessment software

Internet of Things

Our cloud infrastructure reaches every corner of the globe and connects your remote team so they can collaborate online. 


How We Help Your AML Compliance?

AML360 software is designed to automatically collect data, analyze, measure and report. Solutions are provided for customer risk profiling, transaction monitoring, business risks, internal health checks, and case management.

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